As per the programme of the Election Commission of India, the Draft Electoral Rolls for all 60 Assembly Constituencies of the State were published on 29th October 2024, inviting claims and objections up to 28th November 2024. After receiving and addressing all claims and objections by the Electoral Registration Officers (EROs), the Final Electoral Rolls with reference to 01.01.2025 as the qualifying date have been published today, 6th January 2025, for all 60 Assembly Constituencies.
Key Highlights of the Final Electoral Rolls:
1. Total Electors:
• 28,91,082 electors.
• Male: 14,50,709
• Female: 14,40,229
• Third Gender: 74
2. Additions and Deletions:
• Total Additions: 51,303 (Fresh inclusion through Form 6 and migration from other states via Form 8).
• Total Deletions: 24,696 (including 12,430 dead voters removed through Form 7).
• Net Increase: 26,607 voters (Male: 12,218; Female: 14,384; Third Gender: 5).
3. New Voters (Age Group 18-19):
• Total: 30,399 (Male: 14,766; Female: 15,632; Third Gender: 1).
4. EP Ratio:
• Increased to 681 in the Final Electoral Rolls from 675 in the Draft Electoral Rolls.
5. Gender Ratio:
• Improved to 993 in the Final Electoral Rolls from 991 in the Draft Electoral Rolls, with 2,166 more female voters registered compared to male voters.
6. Corrections and Updates:
• 104,983 corrections made (including EPIC replacements and PwD markings).
• Over 1.10 lakh non-standard EPICs converted to standard EPICs.
7. Demographically Similar Entries (DSEs):
• 21,777 entries disposed.
The Electoral Rolls reflect a significant effort towards ensuring accuracy, inclusiveness, and fairness in the electoral process.
Issued By:
[State Election Office]