Tripura 5 August 2024: In a significant development, law enforcement agencies conducted a late-night raid at the residence of BJP leader Sakhil Das in South Radhanagar, Bilonia sub-division. The joint operation, carried out by the Bilonia police, PR Bari police station, Rangamura police outpost, and BSF, was led by the District Magistrate (DCM). The raid resulted in the seizure of 10 kg of marijuana and 297 bottles of codeine syrup (Eskop).
The raid was initiated based on a confidential tip-off. Despite heavy police and BSF presence, Sakhil Das managed to escape. Authorities have registered a case against him at the PR Bari police station under case number 2024PRB038, invoking sections 20(b)(ii)(c), 21(c), 25, 27-A, and 29 of the NDPS Act. The investigation is currently underway, with police actively searching for the absconding leader.
Sakhil Das, who won unopposed in the recent three-tier Panchayat elections in South Radhanagar, is a prominent figure in the region. Allegations have surfaced regarding BJP’s dominance in the Rajnagar block elections, where opposition parties, including CPI(M), were reportedly prevented from filing nominations. The elections were marred by violence, including the murder of CPI(M) leader Badal Shil, a candidate for the South Tripura Zilla Parishad’s 4th seat.
Sources indicate that influential BJP leaders are attempting to shield Sakhil Das, fearing that a thorough investigation could expose the involvement of other prominent figures in the region’s drug trade. The local BJP leadership has reportedly been making concerted efforts to protect Das since the raid.
This incident highlights the ongoing struggle between political dominance and law enforcement in the region, raising questions about the integrity of the electoral process and the pervasive influence of illegal activities.