Aguli News 11-12-2022: On Saturday night, a 28-year-old housewife named Putina Debvarma had some problems while pregnant in Damchhara area. Later, the family members of the housewife immediately took the housewife to a local hospital from where she was referred to Dharmanagar Hospital. After bringing the housewife to Dharmanagar Hospital, a doctor working there referred the housewife to GB Hospital with some prescriptions.

But due to the critical condition of the housewife, her family asked the doctor to treat her at Dharmanagar Hospital. But the doctor assured them that the patient is fine to take her to GB Hospital. Finally, the family members of the housewife were forced to take the housewife out of Dharmanagar Hospital to bring her to GB Hospital.
But on the way to bring the housewife to the GB hospital, she died on the road. After that, after the family members of the housewife brought the housewife to GB Hospital, the doctors declared her dead after an examination. The body of the housewife was handed over to the family after the post-mortem on Sunday. The housewife’s brother complained that his sister’s death was due to the negligence of the doctor working at Dharmanagar Hospital. The doctor will be brought to the door of the law against this matter in the coming days.