Aguli 27-11-2022: Former Chief Minister and Member of Parliament Biplab Kumar Deb had lunch at his house today in the midst of BJP’s house-to-house campaign in the house of Sunil Das, a rickshaw-driver by profession.

During his student life, his rickshaw was the means of family local transportation, including taking Biplab Kumar Deb to school. When he met him, he played rice in the kitchen for the entertainment of his family. Played l Sunil Das said, Biplab Kumar used to take Deb to school in his rickshaw in his student days. Even now he has reached such a high peak, the rickshaw driver has not forgotten about Kaka.

He said, Shri Deb’s father, Hirodhan Deb, was always dedicated to helping people l Known as a local doctor l Jumped into danger for the economically disadvantaged l Treated the common man l Always stood by Mamush during public gatherings l Biplab Kumar Deb was selfless in his philanthropic thoughts like his father. Serving people. On the other hand, Biplab Kumar Deb also expressed his happiness with their hospitality. He said through social media that he was very happy to spend this precious moment with his family and their generous lifestyle and hospitality.